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Menu of Services

Explore a variety of services designed to help you achieve harmony of mind, body, and spirit, supporting your personal and professional growth

Empowerment Coaching

Empaths & Entrepreneurs, are you ready to crush your limiting beliefs and find & pursue your purpose? Our individual coaching sessions are designed to help you achieve a harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit. Get ready to stop making excuses and start living your best life!

Transformative Healing Session
Crystal Healing

Unlock balance and wholeness for your mind, body, and spirit with our Transformative Healing Session. Choose from Crystal Reiki Healing, Soul Journey Hypnosis, or Emotional Reprocessing to experience profound healing and rejuvenation. Each modality offers a unique path to harmony and well-being.

Intuitive Guidance

Unlock your true potential with our Intuitive Guidance Sessions. Designed for Empaths and Entrepreneurs, these sessions provide deep insights and clear direction to overcome limiting beliefs and find balance. Whether you're stuck in your career or relationships, our intuitive approach will guide you towards greater harmony and fulfillment. Embrace clarity and transform your life.

8 Session - Empowerment Coaching

Empaths & Entrepreneurs, elevate your life with our comprehensive 8-session Empowerment Coaching Pack! This series provides you with more in-depth guidance and support, helping you crush limiting beliefs and uncover your true purpose. With eight personalized sessions, you'll achieve a deeper, more harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit. Invest in your well-being and experience profound, lasting transformation. Choose the 8-session pack for greater value and a more complete journey towards living your best life!


Explore events that align your mind, body, and spirit, nurturing your overall well-being. Whether it's yoga, tranquil sound baths, Reiki healing, meditation gatherings, or full-day retreats, each experience oers a distinctive path to spiritual connection, personal growth, and a return to wholeness.

4 Session - Empowerment Coaching

Empaths & Entrepreneurs, unlock your true potential with our Empowerment Coaching Sessions! This discounted 4-session pack is designed to help you crush limiting beliefs and find your purpose. Achieve a harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit with personalized guidance and support. Stop making excuses and start living your best life today!


Explore events that align your mind, body, and spirit, nurturing your overall well-being. Whether it's yoga, tranquil sound baths, Reiki healing, meditation gatherings, or full-day retreats, each experience offers a distinctive path to spiritual connection, personal growth, and a return to wholeness.


When: July 13, 2024 at 9:00 am

Where: Free Spirit Coaching, Cave Creek, AZ

Join Dr. Traci & Pasquale as we host a SPECIAL   Self-Care Saturday in the Pool. Experience a Sound Bath and Healing Reiki Energy for physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. Water is a powerful element that helps us process and release emotions and unblock energy. 



This event will take place in the pool so wear a bathing suit or clothes that can get wet. Bring your own float if you have one. Limited floats available that will be given out on a first come first serve basis. Bring sunscreen, towel and a hat if you'd like, as we will be in the direct sunlight for the duration of the event.

Includes Reiki & Sound Healing 

When: August 10, 2024 at 9:00 am

Where: Free Spirit Coaching, Cave Creek, AZ

The Lion's Gate Portal brings an energetic phenomenon that helps us connect with higher levels of consciousness creating a powerful time to manifest. In this event we will harness this magical energy to connect and manifest our desires. To do this, Dr. Traci will take us on a hypnotherapy journey while Pasquale conducts Reiki Healing to provide us with a safe space and make the experience even more powerful. 

Lion's Gate Event with Hypnotherapy & Reiki

When: September 7, 2024 at 9:00 am

Where: Free Spirit Coaching, Cave Creek, AZ

In this special 2 hour event we will harness this empowering energy to release and heal negative habits and behaviors and renew ourselves through Crystal Reiki, Sound Healing and other activities. Get ready for the New You- Version 2.0! 


Although this is a group event, we individualize the Healing. The Crystal Reiki Healing and Crystal Sound Bowls will be coordinated based on your specific needs. If this will be your first time attending, please arrive about 10 minutes early so that we can explain the process and get you set up.

Creating a New You! Harness the Power of this Astrological Event to Release & Renew 💫

When: October 19, 2024 at 9:00 am

Where: Free Spirit Coaching, Cave Creek, AZ

Join us as we Honor and Connect with our loved ones who've crossed over. Bring something from your loved one or something that reminds you of them to use during this practice to help you connect. 


This time of year, the veil is thin between our world and the spirit world, which makes it easier for us to connect with them during this very special event. In this event Dr. Traci will take you through a hypnotherapy journey while Pasquale conducts Reiki Healing to provide us with a safe space and make the experience even more powerful. 

Honor & Connect with Crossed Over Loved Ones with Hypnotherapy & Reiki. Bring an Item of Theirs for this Sacred Practice

When: November 11, 2024 at 6:00 pm

Where: Free Spirit Coaching, Cave Creek, AZ

Join us on this Special Day- 11/11 (Novemember 11th). The number 1111 is believed to be a magic, Angelic number. This special number is powerful for connecting to our Intuition or whatever you believe in- Higher-Self, Spirit Guides, Angels, etc. Whatever you believe is respected and honored. 


In this event Dr. Traci will take you through a hypnotherapy journey while Pasquale conducts Reiki Healing to provide us with a safe space and make the experience even more powerful. 

11:11 Event with Hypnotherapy & Reiki

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